Monday, October 27, 2014

"I Need Thee Every Hour"

October 20th, 2014    Quito, Ecuador

Dear Family and Friends,
How can we be worthy of His spirit every second of every day?
This question has penetrated my mind and soul this week. I have been striving with all my heart, might, mind, and strength to be worthy of the Holy guidance of the Spirit this week. I have been humbled over and over again --that I am nothing. Nor do I need praise, rewards, position, or applause for the work that I have done. 

I am a disciple of Christ and I have stepped over to His side of the line. I will not give up, shut up, or slow down until all have heard or Christ comes again.
I have been reading a talk this week called "The 4th Missionary" (thank you Elder Barton.) The quote I found that really called me to repentance was this: "Your world is in your head. Get your head right and your heart will follow, and you will be right."
This hit me so hard. Never have I thought about this nor have I applied it. Now, I am applying this and hoping (remember this word?) that the Lord will be able to use me better as His instrument.
This week we baptized the daughter of Blanca Nieves, Patricia Hormaza, and how beautiful was the baptism! We sang Nearer my God to Thee in Spanish as a special musical number. The Spirit testified that we can become closer to Him.

 It also rained a lot this week. I have learned some very important skills as far as jobs and cleanliness go.  We have to wash our clothes by hand every week and also I have learned that It is important to clean the bathroom often, and to take out the trash every day.
The Scripture I want to share is Helman 3:35. This has become one of very favorite scriptures.
Love you all,
Smile a mile,
Elder Hall

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