Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"Come Unto Me"

November 10th, 2014 Quito, Ecuador

Hello Family and Friends,

This week was a very humbling one. For the second in a row we didn't have a baptism and it has been tricky to really be optimistic. However, in my studies this week I have found some pivotal points that have made me reflect quite a bit. I read in the scriptures in Luke about the Passover and the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I focused on the importance of the Atonement and specifically the reactions of the disciples. 

Yesterday was Stake Conference here and my mission president, Presidente Christensen, said something that just caught my aching and desiring heart. He talked about the Last Supper and the Lord's announcement that "One of ye will betray me." The response of the 12 apostles was the turning point in my heart, they respond with a simple but penetrating question, "Lord, Is it I?"

My dear family and friends, this question has absolutely changed my very testimony;----It doesn't mean to be hard on yourself or beat yourself up. It means to simply ask the question, "Lord is it me that you love so dearly and then because of the natural man I turn against thee?"

I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, that All people need ask this question to themselves. I invite you to pray to our Father in the name of our Savior, and ask Him that specific question

Then immediately stand up with a song in your heart, move forward, and with love for the Lord, "Feed His Sheep."

"'Tis sweet to sing His matchless love."

Love you,

Elder Hall

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